Come diceva una canzone dei Pink Floyd THE WALL, “Hey teachers, leave us kids alone!!” il mio obiettivo primario è sempre stato quello di sviluppare la vostra AUTONOMIA in modo da non dipendere da noi docenti ma di essere invece consapevoli e responsabili del vostro apprendimento.

Il modo migliore per “imparare” – non lo dico solo io ma lo insegnano gli esperti di didattica e Peer Learning – è “insegnando” agli altri, ai propri compagni. Fino ad oggi ho condiviso con voi i miei video di letteratura e i vari tutorial, utilizzando la didattica del FLIPPED LEARNING. Adesso però ritengo siate pronti per “rovesciare la lezione rovesciata” – che paradosso! – e creare voi dei video sugli argomenti di letteratura che abbiamo trattato. In questo modo: selezionerete i contenuti per voi importanti, ripasserete e organizzerete le informazioni, metterete in gioco la vostra creatività scegliendo immagini adatte (mi raccomando il copyright) e vi concentrerete sulla dizione chiara ( intonation e tono della voce) e sulla corretta pronuncia. (Nel dubbio consultate Word-Referencce) Direi che di competenze ne metterete in gioco! Now let’s start!

Si tratta di preparare le vostre presentazioni – max 8 minuti – con Power Point ma anche Emaze,  Prezi o Adobe Spark e poi video-registrarle utilizzando un’applicazione di Screencasting -ovvero di cattura di ciò che avviene sullo schermo – e poi salvarli come video su YouTube.

Potete utilizzare Screencast-O-matic di cui ho creato il video tutorial.

Oppure Quick Time, con mio tutorial … con finale molto informale. Non l’ho rifatto perchè mi ha fatto ridere nella sua imperfezione! In fondo quando si fa screen casting è facile che succeda … anche ai prof 🙂

Se non doveste essere soddisfatti con questi applicativi esiste anche Jing che io stessa ho utilizzato ma a cui preferisco i due precedenti.

Quando avete registrato il vostro video, cliccate SHARE / CONDIVIDI e mettete il link sul PADLET con tutte le vostre nmeravigliose presentazioni che potete anche commentarvi a vicenda. Buon lavoro!!

Creato con Padlet


portfolioWHAT IS A DIGITAL PORTFOLIO? An electronic portfolio (also known as an eportfolio, e-portfolio, digital portfolio, or online portfolio) is a collection of electronic material assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web. Such electronic evidence may include text, electronic files, images, multimedia, and hyperlinks.

Every student should have a collection of personal bests – a cloud-based story of their development and artifacts of accomplishment that’s easily shareable in full or in part and organized for presentation. At their most basic level portfolios can simply be a storage strategy. They can also be an active work, collaboration and reflection space including feedback from teachers and peers.

WHY SHOULD YOU HAVE ONE? What are the Advantages of Student Digital Portfolios?

  1. Accessibility: Can be accessible from multiple locations and by many individuals simultaneously on the www.
  2. Portability: it’s much easier to transport than all your school notebooks!
  3. Creativity: New non-linear formats and the integration of various media types allow you many ways to creatively express your knowledge and skills.
  4. Technology: Digital portfolios are one of the best ways for you to communicate your knowledge and expertise related to the use of technology; (a competence required in the 21st century)
  5. Community: Sharing ideas and resources with the others and also with the aim of helping your peers is just great!

REMEMBER: One of the most important ingredients in a portfolio is your reflection on your learning. You should include reflections on each performance like a LEARNING DIARY. It will develop your critical thinking. You can also use it for your ASL. 

To carry out this project i’m collaborating with Mrs Ziraldo. We teachers also firmly believe in cooperation as you can see. I had the idea of the digital portfolio and the connection to the CRO hospital where we work as volunteers. During a Mooc (Massive online open course) on Project Based Learning that we attended, I had to create a learning diary myself and then I conceived the authentic task of having you students write one, not only for your own reflection and for your future life after high school, but also to make your learning experience relevant and useful to the hospitalized high school students from other regions who are in hospital here in Aviano doing chemotherapy but want to continue learning and studying the topics included in their syllabus. Now look at the post in Mrs Ziraldo’s Blog; she has marvelously expressed the purpose of our project and made a video explaining aims and reasons behind it. Thanks Cris! 

I know what you’ll all be thinking now. “PROF, HOW CAN WE DO IT?” Using some apps that are easy to use and can contain all your materials, as simple as that 🙂

Here’s a basic List of Educational Apps to Create Digital Portfolios


Evernote can be used on Android and iOS platforms and is absolutely free of cost. Using this app, you can take notes, capture photos, record audio, as well as make entries searchable.

Google Drive

Google Drive helps to create and share as well as keep your stuff in one place. Upload the file and you can give access to it to anyone else and anywhere. 5 GB space is free in the Google Drive.  You can organise your work but also create your Google Site.

An example

Adobe Spark Page

Adobe Spark Page lets anyone create beautiful web stories combining text and graphics. You should do it for only one subject, in this case English, to show it at the final exam to present your “tesina”, project.

E.G The learning diary by me I mentioned above


If you want to create your website. (See photo at the beginning of post).
