If you look at this photo you’ll see a 16 year ld Swedish girl like many others. It could be you right? Instead she is a Swedish political activist working to stop global warming. What do you know about it?
Today it’s the International Women’s day and I’d like to focus on something positive that can give us hope and inspiration.
In August 2018 she became a prominent figure for starting the first school strike.
In November 2018 she spoke at TedEx Stockholm. Her speech is just stunning.
In December 2018, as you can see in the video below, she addressed the U.N. Climate Change Conference, to reduce Carbon dioxide emissions in accordance with the Paris Agreement.
This is the Paris Agreement in a nutshell 🙂
The American President Donald Trump instead withdrew from it in June 2017.
On March 15th there’ll be a general strike. If you want to know more check ‘School strike 4 climate’ or ‘Fridays for Future’, ‘Youth for climate’ o ‘Youth strike 4 climate.
Here’s the MAP of the WORLD with all the events of FridaysFor Future. Can you spot your town there? https://www.fridaysforfuture.org/events/map

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Very nice page!
I love the posters of your students :))
Happy rising!
You have put together powerful documents that are excellent food for thought.
The event that has been organized for this coming Friday will give us all a chance to speak our voices.
I expect it to be powerful and impossible to ignore by those who have our future in their hands.
Thank you Nella for leaving a comment. I couldn’t agree more and will be there!!
Con la nostra classe 1’BI dell’istituto Silvio Ceccato di Vicenza, questa mattina abbiamo visto il vostro lavoro e ci ha colpiti positivamente. Abbiamo capito meglio la situazione relativamente a questo problema importante che riguarda noi ed il nostro futuro.
Grazie di avermi scritto e sono davvero felice che il mio articolo vi sia stato utile. Keep on fighting and reading my Blog 🙂