Writing can be fun

Today you are going to become a … writer and publish your own writing. Follow the instructions carefully. If you are in the computer lab (1E) you can also choose to work with your partner. If you’re at home you can work individually.

Wordle: Untitled
1) You can choose to write a short ARTICLE for .. a newspaper  In this website you choose the name of the NEWSPAPER,  the HEADLINE (titolo) of the article & date. Then you create the text & at the end you press GENERATE. The article will appear & you can DOWNLOAD it & SAVE it as an image (Jpeg ) to your folder (salvalo con nome nella tua cartella). From your folder you can send it to your email account and at home you can print it 🙂 & bring it to the next lesson to show your classmates. Today is St Valentine’s. Why not talk about …love 😉

Instead of an article you can write a SPEECH OR THOUGHT BALLOON (fumetto) as

2) To be done in class as text (without audio) or as  home assignment. If  you’ve got a microphone you can create an animated  PICTURE STORY with audio.
Go to this website Picture a Story ( the art of storytelling) 
  1. Your Genre  (il genere letterario)
  2. Your backgroung ( lo sfondo)
  3. Your characters (i personaggi) by dragging them (trascinandoli nello sfondo scelto)
  4. Add props ( aggiungi materiale scenico)
  5. Tell your story by writing it. If you want you can record it with your voice. Just click record. Done!! Fatto!
  6. Last step: Share it. (condividilo) Write your data & email & 2 other emails. One must be your teacher’s 🙂 You’ll receive it at home so you can show it to your parents & friends.
3) Follow up: home assignment with extra credit. If you enjoy the idea,  you can create a short movie 🙂   It’s incredibly easy and you needn’t sign up.
Go to this website Dvolver moviemaker. Click “make a movie”.
Choose: 1 a backgroud, 2 a sky, 3 a plot (trama),  4 characters (personaggio o personaggi), 5 write the lines, 6 a music, 7 a title design … done!
Send it by email to yourself  & me 🙂
Here below you can se my movie.

I cannot wait to see all your new creations!
As T. Roosevelt said : “Believe you can and you’re halfway there”.
I’d love to read your comments on the activity. Thanks

13 thoughts on “Writing can be fun

  1. This activity was funny and I enjoyed it also because we were working in pairs. I think that if I were alone I didn’t like that kind of activity like I did working in pair.
    Usually I don’t like Creative Writing’s works but making an article was interesting and also a bit difficult. Honestly, I don’t like to do it again because I don’t like writing articles (in Italian too) and because I think I don’t have a lot of fantasy.

  2. Ecco basta cliccare LEAVE A RELPY e scrivere il tuo NOME e email. Non vedrai subito il tuo commento perchè prima io lo devo “APPROVE” approvare.

    “Education today should teach students what the technology cannot do: CREATIVITY” (Diane Coyle, Economy of Enough). That’s what I’m trying to do using the new technologies 🙂

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