Hi everybody. It’s now 2014 and time to use our creativity 🙂 Therefore, after having deeply analyzed Global Warming and Recycling it’s your turn to make your voice heard.
I would like you to DO something with your learning and create an AWARENESS CAMPAIGN ( kind of Pubblicità Progresso) whose target is people of your age: TEENAGERS. Title: LET’S SAVE OUR PLANET & MAKE A BETTER WORLD!
You can focus on why; what you can do; how. As a media choose from:
- A traditional paper/ cardboard-poster to hang in class.
- A digital on-line poster at Glogster. Here’s an example on Christmas traditions in the USA made by kids. Watch a video tutorial “Glogster in 90 seconds”.
- An oral message to convince your friends to take action. You can record your message at Vocaroo. No need to Sign in, just record your voice, SAVE and share link as a comment here below. Click on Vocaroo below & listen Online recording software >>
- Create a quiz on how we can reduce pollution and recycle correctly. There’s no need to register. eQuizShow. Give your quiz a title and a password to share with your classmates 🙂
- Make an online book at Bookr. To look for the available photos you have to write “environment” or “pollution” or any word related to your content under TAG. Here’s some examples by some of my students on animals “My life as.. a fox, a dolphin, a mosquito. Watch a quick video tutorial:
- Make a newspaper article at The Newspaper Clipping.
- Make an interactive animated image at THINGLINK like the one I made on Safe net surfing, using a photo of your choice and linking websites, youtube videos or aPDF you’ve created.
Ecco il video tutorial che ho creato io per ThingLink 🙂
- Make a created animated video at PowToon. See the one on the previous post for my Christmas wishes. Here’s a tutorial video on how to use it:
- Last but not least you can make an animated video at Animoto. You only need to sign up for a free account. Watch a quick video tutorial.
I’m sure by now you’ll have found something that suits you and I’m looking forward to seeing your creativity spark!!
NB: Please write down what kind of activity you have chosen in Schoology and make sure there’s a variety of all types among you all. In pratica, non scegliete tutti lo stesso mezzo ma assegnatevi i diversi tipi di lavori 😉
I’m SOOOOO HAPPY!! Tomorrow I’m bringing an Apple Crumble to share with the class 🙂
Well done!
Hi Asia and Beatrice,
I love your messages:
Keep calm and recycle- fashionable slogan!
Recycling is easy!
Excellent audience activation and catchy music.
Good examples of how things can be reused in a fashionable way. Check out this web site: http://www.junkkouture.com/
Very enjoyable and at the same time, to the point.
Ciao Samantha
ok, I’ve corrected the mistakes.
Global warming by Erika
Your booklet gives interesting information and shows beautiful images. The end is a bit abrupt and lack a final slogan or image to convince your peers to take action.
Hi Erika,
Data and info looks correct and the tool you used is very easy to follow. As mentioned by Laura though probably it finished a bit abruptly and without any slogan or call to action. Take it a step further
Elena & Alessandra C.
I love your choice of images and also the short animated video as it’s really effective! Yes you ARE going to save the world! You know what? Looking at all your works now it’s like having a beautiful PUZZLE, a PATCHWORK of deep meanings and insights that works much better because of its VARIETY. This is exactly the kind of education I believe in, where you can be creative and each one of you can contribute according to their skills and sensitivities. And the final picture is so inspiring! “Imagination and creativity are not the same. Creativity is IMAGINATION IN ACTION!” (Ken Robinson)
By the way my Footprint impact is rather depressing 🙁
Thanks a lot for those beautiful and meaningful words!! 😉
Hello Elena & Alessandra,
Really looks like you did a quite thorough research looking for data and tools to leverage your messages.
Although I am vegetarian and commute using public transport I still seem to have a high enviro impact,- 4,14 planets & the equivalent of 26.4 carbon tonnes. Ouch!!
Awesome graphics in the video
From Alberto and Bajro
Your own apocalyptic video-presentation is praiseworthy. 🙂 (If you can correct: do something NOT TO LET POLLUTION spread; five-year deforestation) The slogan is catchy! And it well matches to the background image.
The video on the LionWhisperer is touching & I like the SouthAfrican accent. I really hope those wonderful creatures won’t disappear in the future and that your children will still be able to see them run free 🙂
Hello Alberto and Bajro,
Indeed as Laura mentions the video is very touching, good choice!
Awareness Campaign on Global Warming by Enrico
Wow! That’s what I thought while seeing it because as you rightly say Enrico … we can start by doing small and simple things, by sharing information and … by EMPOWERING YOUNG PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO CAN REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE! I’m proud of being a teacher and having students who care. Thanks
Thanks a lot! I’m glad that my awareness campaign has been appreciated. The purpose of my work was very simple: we have to start by doing small things and we have to act immediately!
Hello Enrico,
Interesting choice to use strong images to awaken emotions immediately. How about ending with some positive images as well, leaving the audience to dwell upon the beauty of our earth?
water and poverty by Giusi and Abigail
I’m so impressed by your digital poster! It’s awesome in content, layout and visual impact. Very proud of you 🙂 (Little mistakes to correct if you can edit : require requires an S and also needS 🙂 I cannot help being a teacher!
Hi Giuseppina, the link doesn’t seem to work anymore or I don’t have access 🙁
The Three R’s by Chiara and Stephanie
I particularly love the choice of your backgrounds and the dialogues in the bubbles. Clear, Concise, convincing!
Hello Chiara and Stephanie,
The 3Rs are a very important aspect of our lives we need to follow as much as possible. Keep spreading the word!
Recycling by Adele Zavagno and Anna Sist
Your animated presentation ROCKS. Very personal also in the choice of the musical background.
Hello Adele and Anna,
Gripping music and to the point messaging. Next time you could insert something on e-waste as well as this is an ever-increasing issue of our society.
Well done to you too!
I really like your booklet which has a right balance between the information given and the images chosen. Brava 🙂
Hello Alessandra
I am Samantha and I am the Marketing Mgr of the European Recycling Platform. Well done with the storytelling and the messaging. As in the case of your classmates the tool you chose is also very effective and engaging.
Well done to you too!
http://www.powtoon.com/p/dm0f6gOw8SG/ – from Carlo and Andrea
Well done!! Clear & convincing 🙂
Hello Andrea and Carlo, I am Samantha and I am the Marketing Mgr of the European Recycling Platform. I must say I am very happy to see such a good use of a simple but very effective communication mean. Needless to say I agree with the messaging!!! 🙂
Well done!