I’m now going to post some videos and materials to be used in class during our lesson butt also to be watched at home when studying, or if you were absent 🙂
1. ELIZABETHAN THEATRE: video Elizabethan Theatre explained by Willy is the final product of a class project.
2. THE GLOBE THEATRE: You can see some photos http://www.wfu.edu/~tedforrl/shakespeare/globe.htm and if you like, take a virtual tour of it. (The virtual tour requires the free Quicktime plugin for your browser but you can download it from the page). It’s like being inside the theatre during a show! If you’ve got an iPad you can download the app and visit all sections of it. The app is free but to access all areas is 0.99€. If you want to have an idea of how many theatres there were in London look at this beautiful map of all Elizabethan theatres.
3. A FRAUD? In the future, after studying some of his works, you may doubt the existence of Shakespeare as the dramatist who wrote Shakespeare’s plays if you watch the movie Anonymous that claims he didn’t write his plays.
4. FOLIO: Thanks to the beautiful Interactive folio of Romeo & Juliet, nowadays you can read his comedy, have explained the difficult words and also listen to it 🙂 Technology can allow us to experience art in a way I would have never dreamt of, when I attended Liceo and could only study from black & white pages!
5. LANGUAGE: You already know that he contributed over 3,000 new words to the English language. Here’s a list of the 13 words you didn’t know were invented by Shakespeare! but ….Did William Shakespeare really invent all those words? Watch this funny Video about Shakespeare’s language 🙂
6. MUSIC LOVERS: Last but not least, this website offers you Shakespeare’s works through music. It’s not the rock or rap music you usually listen to but some are very sweet and pleasant to listen to.
7 ROMEO 6 JULIET. And now it’s about time to read this beautiful tragedy. Here’s a video with a SUMMARY of the Plot.
Let’s end this post with Shakespeare’s … dating tips. Enjoy!
- 60 second Shakespeare’s plays
- Interactive Shakespeare
- Tudor’s dressing game
- If you want to practise more, watch a lovely BBC video and do the activities below. Click here: Shakespeare
I really hope you’ve enjoyed this tour in the world of Shakespeare and will love his marvellous works.