Hi! After studying and reading Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, (part 1 & part 2) we did a Cooperative Creative writing activity in groups, done partly in class and partly at home using Shared Google Docs. Here’s the assignment:
“Now, imagine that, for unknown reasons that you can make up, Frankenstein has come back. Situation: You are either a scientist or a computer nerd living in (say where) and have seen him (say where and when). Write down an e-mail to (say who) telling him/her what you have just witnessed (max 200 words).”
As a follow-up, in order to improve the oral skills, I decided to do a Podcast using the app Spreaker. So one morning we recorded their works in class 🙂 using my iPad. It was their first time and, for sure, since they are rather shy and reserved young women and men – at least in class am I right? 😉 -, they felt pretty embarrassed; nevertheless, they proved very cooperative, very committed and did a good job! Speaking while knowing of being recorded is not easy, nor comfortable and listening to our own voice & pronunciation is tough as we’re usually hypercritical and aim at perfection. Still, that’s good, as it will urge you to work harder to improve. Practice will make it perfect! Therefore … stay tuned!
Here’s their podcasts from RADIO FRANKENSTEIN!
Please leave a comment on the activity, what you liked, disliked and advice on how to improve it 🙂 Thanks.